Elections by Year


2024 Primary Election

June 4, 2024

Primary Election
The Primary Election is an election to determine which candidates will qualify for the General Election for a given party. In Iowa you must be a member of the political party of which you wish to vote for in order to participate. This is known as a "closed primary." The primary election is held on the 1st Tuesday following the 1st Monday in June of each even-numbered year.

Election Results

17/17 Precincts Counted

Archived Election Details



Notice is hereby given to the eligible voters of Des Moines County, State of Iowa, that the Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 4th, 2024. Voters must vote in their precinct and polling place of residence. Please read this notice carefully to determine your correct voting location. Some voting locations have changed for some voters to provide consistency in voting locations. If you are unsure of your voting location for this election, please contact the Des Moines County Auditor & Commissioner of Elections at 319-753-8232.



The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.


Primary Election polling places:


Pct 1, 2, & Tama            Oak Street Baptist Church

                                     1303 Oak St., Burlington IA


Pct 3                             Optimae Life Services

                                    910 Cottonwood, Ste 1001, Burlington IA


Pct 4 & Union                First Church of the Nazarene

                                    1015 S. Roosevelt Ave., Burlington IA


Pct 5 & 6                       Harmony Bible Church

                                    550 Division St., Burlington IA


Pct 7                             James Madison Educational Center

                                    2132 Madison Ave., Burlington IA


Pct 8 & Concordia         Bethany Lutheran Church

                                    2515 Madison Ave., Burlington IA


Benton, Huron,              Two Rivers Office Building

& Jackson Twps.           5601 205th St., Kingston, IA


City of Danville,             Danville Community Building

Danville Twp.                104 Shepherd St. Danville, IA


Flint River Twp,             Middletown City Hall

Middletown                   120 Mechanic St., Middletown


Mediapolis Town           Mediapolis City Hall

Franklin, Yellow Spring  510 Main St., Mediapolis, IA


Pleasant Grove,            Yarmouth Fire Station

Washington Twp.           20454 Eastern Ave., Yarmouth, IA


West Burlington Town    Divine Mercy Parish Center

                                    502 W Mt Pleasant St., West Burlington, IA


              Pre-registered voters are required to provide an approved form of identification at the polling place before receiving and casting a regular ballot. Voters who are not pre-registered, such as voters registering to vote on Election Day and voters changing precincts, must also provide proof of residence.  A voter who is unable to provide an approved form of identification or prove residence if required:  1) may have voter’s identity/residence attested to by another registered voter in the precinct, 2) prove identity and residence using Election Day Registration documents, or 3) cast a provisional ballot and provide proof of identity/residence at the County Auditor’s office by June 6th. Election Day Registrant attesters must provide an approved form of identification. For additional information about providing proof of identity and/or residence visit:  https://sos.iowa.gov/voterid  or phone 319-753-8232.


Voter pre-registration deadline and vote by mail request deadline is May 20th at 5:00 PM at the Des Moines County Auditor’s Office.  Absentee ballots voted in-person are available in the County Auditor’s office until June 3rd at 4:30 PM.


Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in their vehicle.  For further information, please contact the county auditor’s office at the telephone number or email address below.

Telephone: (319) 753-8232         Email: dotys@dmcounty.com      For TTY access, dial 711+753-8232


            A full set of sample ballots are available for viewing on the Des Moines County website at https://dmcountyelections.iowa.gov


            The following offices and candidates will appear on ballot styles according to the specific jurisdictions:


            Des Moines County Candidates


            Des Moines County Auditor (vote for no more than one)


            Sara Doty, Democrat


            Des Moines County Supervisor (vote for no more than two)


            Jim Cary, Democrat

            No Candidate


            Des Moines County Sheriff (vote for no more than one)


            No Candidate


            Democratic United States Representative District 1 (vote for no more than one)


            Christina Bohannan


            Republican United States Representative District 1 (vote for no more than one)


            Mariannette Miller-Meeks, David Pautsch


            Libertarian United States Representative District 1 (vote for no more than one)


            No Candidate


            Democratic State Senator District 48 (vote for no more than one)


            John Dabeet


            Republican State Senator District 48 (vote for no more than one)


            Mark S. Lofgren


            Libertarian State Senator District 48 (vote for no more than one)


            No Candidate

            Democratic State Senator District 50 (vote for no more than one)


            Nannette Griffin


            Republican State Senator District 50 (vote for no more than one)


            Jeff Reichman


            Libertarian State Senator District 50 (vote for no more than one)


            No Candidate


            Democratic State Representative District 95 (vote for no more than one)


            Jeff Poulter


            Republican State Representative District 95 (vote for no more than one)


            Taylor Collins


            Libertarian State Representative District 95 (vote for no more than one)


            No Candidate


            Democratic State Representative District 99 (vote for no more than one)


            Jim Beres


            Republican State Representative District 99 (vote for no more than one)


            Matthew Rinker


            Libertarian State Representative District 99 (vote for no more than one)


            No Candidate




Public testing of the Des Moines County voting equipment will begin on May 24th at 9:30 AM in the Public Meeting Room on the 2nd Floor at the Des Moines County Courthouse, according to the provisions of 52.35. The public is invited to attend.


Signed and dated this 15th day of May 2024


Sara Doty

Des Moines County Auditor/Commissioner of Elections




Sample Ballots (PDF)

51 Primary Sample Ballots State Senator District 48 / State Representative District 95 Precincts - Tama Twp. Benton, Huron, Jackson Twps. Flint River Twp, Middletown Mediapolis, Yellow Spring Twp., Franklin Twp. Pleasant Grove, Washington Twps. State Senator District 50 / State Representative District 99 Precincts - Burlington 1 Burlington 2 Burlington 3 Burlington 4 Union Twp. Burlington 5 Burlington 6 Burlington 7 Burlington 8 Concordia Twp. City of Danville, Danville Twp. West Burlington Town
This webpage was printed on February 21, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Des Moines County, Iowa, Elections website at https://dmcountyelections.iowa.gov/.
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